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Build Charts and Graphs from Email Form Data

myContactForm.com has an innovative Reporting system which allows you to generated various charts and graphs based off of your form submitted data. Please follow the tutorial below to learn how to generate charts and graphs from your form submitted data.

The tutorial below assumes that you have already built a form within the myContactForm.com software. This is quite easy to do. You my read a tutorial for creating a basic email form here.

1. Generate a New Report From Your Form Data

a. Go to myContactForm.com

b. Enter your login information and click Login

c. Click Message Center Buttonunder the Control Panel

d. Click Message Reports under the Control Panel

Message Reports Button

e. Follow the dialogue to configure what form and data your would like to generate the report from.

Message Reports Dialogue

f. Click Generate Report Button

After clicking the Generate Report button you will be taken to a new screen with your new form data report. From there, you can build new charts and graphs.

2. Generate New Charts and Graphs

a. Scroll down the report to where it says Create a New Chart

Report Screenshot

b. Select which form question your would like to generate the chart from and the type of chart you would like to generate.

Create a Chart Dialoge

c. Click the Generate Button button

d. A new chart will be added to your report
